by Doug Cahow
Unofficially, 93 men from Barron County gave their lives in WWII. There are others not known to this writer. Look over the list and please e-mail any additions to Doug Cahow
U. S. Census in 1940 for Barron County Population was about 34,000 people. Using that number of people and counting the WWII casualties which numbered about 100 men KIAs for Barron County, the ratio of casualties is 1 KIA for every 340 people counted in Barron County for WWII. This writer doesn’t have comparable figures for other Wisconsin Counties…but it may be safely said, “Barron County Veterans did their duty!”
The approximate number of veterans KIA from each community are:
Almena (6)
Angus (1)
Arland (1)
Barron (8)
Barronette (3)
Birchwood (1)
Brill (1)
Cameron (4)
Canton (2)
Chetek (6)
Clayton (4)
Clear Lake (2)
Comstock (3)
Cumberland (7)
Dallas (2)
Haugen (2)
Mikana (1)
Prairie Farm (4)
Reeve (8)
Rice Lake (28)
Turtle Lake (5)
The following is a list of the names, dates of death, and cause or location where the veteran was killed. Some names may have more than one town ascribed to their home because often the post office address given was not near the home or settlement of the Veteran.
World War II: Killed In Action
Barron County, Wisconsin Men Who Gave Their Live For Liberty In WWII
A portion of the information here was obtained from the Barron County Shield and provided by Mrs. Chip Friday of Clayton, Wisconsin. The Barron County Shield information was officially published beginning Memorial Day, 1945.
Since WWII, updating of the list continued until September, 1945. Additional names of men who were Killed in Action (KIA) during WWII, since the publication stopped, were added by the writer. Additional names were added from the Service Record, World War II, Clear Lake and Vicinity book sponsored by the Wiley Davis Post No. 108, American Legion, printed some time after WWII.​